Saturday, February 15, 2014

OH TO BE, LLC - Educational Enrichment Company Website

Visit the OH TO BE, LLC, Educational Enrichment Company Website!

Meet your tutor, check available subjects and rates, and sign-up for an appointment.

Click Here:

Thursday, August 22, 2013

New School Year: Words of Encouragement

                                                                               Image: Google Images

Hello Oh To Be Members!

It's back to school for the 2013-14 school year!  Hope it is going well so far.  Here are a few survival tips I put together to help you on your way to another successful year:
  • Eat a healthy breakfast every morning before school. (Helps your brain work!)
  • Make time to play every day. (Thirty minutes of moving your body will help your body and brain stay healthy!)
  • Set a time limit for electronic activities like the computer/Internet, video games, and talking on a cell phone. (Balance between school, family and friends, and electronics is very important for a healthy brain!)
  • Complete and turn in your homework and projects on time. (It will help your brain get stronger... And it will make your teacher really happy!)
Remember, it's a new year and new grade so it's going to be challenging.  Just remember to try your best, use all the tools you need to succeed, and most of all, have fun learning!

You can do it!

Mrs. B

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Arts and Crafts: 3D Letter A

Dear Oh To Be Members,

By popular demand, here is a little tutorial (lesson) on creating 3D letters!

***DISCLAIMER: Do NOT display 3D letters on public facilities.  Graffiti is vandalism and vandalism is a crime punishable by law.  These letters are intended for personal use ONLY.***

Letter of the Day: A

-Aloha (Hello!)
-America (United States)
-All-Star Students (Go Pumas!)
-Author's Purpose (Persuade, Inform, Entertain, Explain)
-Apostrophe (Grammatical Marking)
-Addition (Opposite/Inverse of _______)
-Atom (Basic Unit of a Chemical Element)
-Among the Hidden (Shadow Children, #1) (4h Grade Novel)

How To Make a 3D Letter A: Step By Step

Step 1:
Gather your supplies.

Step 2:
Practice writing the letter A on a lined piece of paper.

Step 3:
Try practicing other letters to help prepare for future tutorials!


Step 4:
Switch to using a plain piece of paper and practice writing the letter a little larger.

Step 5:
Draw an outline around the letter A.

Step 6:
Finish drawing outline around entire letter.

Step 7:
Practice drawing a 'block' letter A (only the outline) in different styles.

Step 8:
Decide on the style you like best and start making it 3D by drawing a couple of lines starting from the left and corners.

Step 9:
Connect the two lines you just drew.

Step 10:
Draw more lines from the corners of the letter.  Draw the lines in about the same direction (Southwest).

Step 11:
Fill in the spaces.

Step 12:
Sit back and admire your work!

In honor of the recent holiday, try to create a few other letters and connect them together -- take a look!

Write on!

Mrs. B

Find a Pen-Pal!

Aloha and E Komo Mai Oh To Be Members,

That means "Hello" and "Welcome" in native Hawaiian!

Are you looking to practice your writing skills?  Don't know where to send those friendly letters you love to write?  Looking for someone to write to?  Look no further!  Here at the Oh To Be Member Blog, you can get connected with other members and become pen-pals!

Pen-pals are people who write letters back and forth and learn about each other and the area in which they live.  You could even be connected with someone from Hawai'i!   

Want to try?  Email to ask for the P.O. Box address to send your letters.

Write on!

Mrs. B