Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Arts and Crafts: 3D Letter A

Dear Oh To Be Members,

By popular demand, here is a little tutorial (lesson) on creating 3D letters!

***DISCLAIMER: Do NOT display 3D letters on public facilities.  Graffiti is vandalism and vandalism is a crime punishable by law.  These letters are intended for personal use ONLY.***

Letter of the Day: A

-Aloha (Hello!)
-America (United States)
-All-Star Students (Go Pumas!)
-Author's Purpose (Persuade, Inform, Entertain, Explain)
-Apostrophe (Grammatical Marking)
-Addition (Opposite/Inverse of _______)
-Atom (Basic Unit of a Chemical Element)
-Among the Hidden (Shadow Children, #1) (4h Grade Novel)

How To Make a 3D Letter A: Step By Step

Step 1:
Gather your supplies.

Step 2:
Practice writing the letter A on a lined piece of paper.

Step 3:
Try practicing other letters to help prepare for future tutorials!


Step 4:
Switch to using a plain piece of paper and practice writing the letter a little larger.

Step 5:
Draw an outline around the letter A.

Step 6:
Finish drawing outline around entire letter.

Step 7:
Practice drawing a 'block' letter A (only the outline) in different styles.

Step 8:
Decide on the style you like best and start making it 3D by drawing a couple of lines starting from the left and corners.

Step 9:
Connect the two lines you just drew.

Step 10:
Draw more lines from the corners of the letter.  Draw the lines in about the same direction (Southwest).

Step 11:
Fill in the spaces.

Step 12:
Sit back and admire your work!

In honor of the recent holiday, try to create a few other letters and connect them together -- take a look!

Write on!

Mrs. B

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